The 75th annual

Join with believers across all denominations as prominent men and women in the Kalamazoo area lead us in prayer through diverse topics affecting our lives and country. Here is what you need to know:

WHEN: ​Thursday, May 2, 2024​​
TIME:​​ 12:00 – 12:30pm
WHERE: ​Kalamazoo City Hall​​
ADDRESS: ​241 W South St, Kalamazoo MI 49007
PARKING: ​Available at metered spots around Bronson Park.
Kalamazoo City Parking has moved to an online app to
pay for parking (coins not accepted)

NATIONAL DAY of prayer
Church Packet

Do you want to get your church involved in National Day of Prayer? Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries has compiled a FREE packet with all the promotions that will help get your congregation excited! Click the buttons below to get our National Day of Prayer church packet.

The Church Packet includes:

Cover Letter:
A letter describing what is in the church packet and all the information you will need for the event.

Cover Letter

Prayer Guide: This guide covers the same topics that will be prayed over at the National Day of Prayer gathering. Perfect for use by people unable to attend the event in person or as a way to prepare our hearts and minds in the days leading up to the event.

Announcement slide: with graphic for projection screen announcements.  

Announcement blurb: suggested wording for printed bulletin announcements.

Announcement Blurb

Informational flyer: with details concerning the event. Great to be distributed as a bulletin insert, handed out by greeters, or placed on a welcome table.

Informational Flyer

Social media post: with graphic and suggested wording readymade to be posted to your church’s social media outlets. Note: this comes in two parts.You will combine them when creating your post.

Social Media Post –Graphic:


Social Media Post – Words:

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