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Men's Shelter Associate (Full Time)

Job Description:

Are you feeling called into Ministry? This may be your opportunity to serve. Assist guests with basic needs while on shift. Invest time in guests lives that will encourage positive growth both at the mission and in their future.

Job Type:

Full Time

Job Responsibilities

  • As a member of staff, uphold, promote, and encourage, in word and deed, desired organizational culture and values; purposefully seek to establish and maintain a culture that is based on grace and affirms and advances KGM’s vision and purpose.
  • Alert the Men’s Shelter Manager to any changes or concerns within the department.
  • Maintain constant communication while on shift with other Men’s shelter staff as needed.
  • Incorporate Biblical principles into interactions with guests and other staff that build positive and productive relationships.
  • Maintain a loving and peaceful environment by exercising spiritual care over guests as needed.
  • Assist guests with basic needs while on their shift.
  • Submit all reports to Men’s Shelter Manager as requested on time.
  • Must exercise utmost diplomacy and tact to provide excellent guest service, practicing confidentiality and privacy
  • protocol in accordance with Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries Policies.
  • Exercises problem-solving and conflict resolution skills when handling guest complaints; referring guest complaints to appropriate personnel as needed.
  • Hold guests accountable for inappropriate behavior and enforce discipline procedures when necessary according to the Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries policies.
  • Invest time in guests lives that will encourage positive growth both at the mission and in their future.
  • Perform simple yet effective first aid care in emergencies.
  • Attend all scheduled staff meetings.
  • Performs all duties as may be required.
  • Adhere to the policies and procedures of the Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries.

Qualifications / Must Be Able To

  • Have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and a desire to serve Him.
  • Be a consistent witness for Jesus Christ
  • Exhibit spiritual maturity as defined by evangelical biblical standards and in accordance with the employee handbook.
  • Have a heart of compassion and caring toward the homeless and hurting and a passion about ministering life
  • transformation in an urban setting.
  • Demonstrates a courteous and Christ-like manner with internal and external partners
  • Highly ethical with the ability to make smart, rapid decisions; demonstrates excellent integrity.
  • Flexible, cooperative spirit
  • Possess and promote a drug, nicotine free lifestyle.
  • High School Diploma or equivalent

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The Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries is a privately funded 501(c)3 non-profit, evangelical Christian ministry.   Our designated purpose is religious, and we are a Christ-centered ministry which is dedicated to sharing the Gospel and helping the homeless and impoverished.  We consider every position to be essential in the fulfillment of our ministry and Statement of Purpose.  As such, each employee must have a relationship with Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.  All employees must:

• Be able and willing to share the Gospel and participate in all of the ministry activities of the Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries;
• Subscribe to the Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries Statement of Faith and Qualifications for Employment upon hire and continuously while employed;
• Adhere to the Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries Employee Handbook

1 Peter 3:15 NIV But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.